Friday, November 7, 2008

One Word

Where is your mobile phone? ear
Where is your significant other? computer
Your hair colour? blonde
Your mother? bitch
Your father? somewhere
Your favourite thing? children
Your dream last night? fun
Your dream goal? balance
The room you're in? livingroom
Your hobby? kids
Your fear? unloved
Where do you want to be in 6 years? healthy
Where were you last night? computer
What you're not? content
One of your wish-list items? books (duh!!)
Where you grew up? Grandma's
The last thing you did? email
What are you wearing? clothes
Your TV? distracting
Your pets? psychotic
Your computer? old
Your mood? pissy
Missing someone? yes
Your car? boxy
Something you're not wearing? shoes
Favourite shop? bookstore
Your summer? suckish
Love someone? definately
Your favourite colour? green
When is the last time you laughed? phone
When is the last time you cried? August

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