Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Just let kids be kids.....

I know it is that time of year again but if one more person poses the question about what to do with their toddler I might not be very PC in my response. (Cuz we all know how concerned I am about that!! LOL)

You are in luck. I don't have time for a full on rant about this topic so here are some thought provoking questions for you....

Are you really all that bad off because you didn't read until second grade?

Is your existence some how hindered because your mom didn't find some way to make every flipping second of your toddlerhood a "learning experience"?

Was your intellectual development stunted because you didn't start school until Kindergarten?

Do you really think that those first 5 or 7 years of your life were a completely wasted span of time?

Chances are you answered no to all of those questions. Guess what???? Your children ARE NO DIFFERENT!!!! It is not necessary to have your child doing academics at 3, 4 or even 7. If they are responsive to it then great but don't feel like you are failing them by not providing them with "quality learning experiences".

Just let the poor kid be a kid.


Anonymous said...

I think we discussed this already. Step away from MDC.... :-P

Vicki said...

Lol, AM! Geeesh!! Tell them to follow MY example and their kids will be passing college entrance exams at ten!!! Hahahaha...

Who needs school? Besides why slow them down with all that curriculum BS? Better to let them be free and learn at their own pace. They will be a happier person for it and so will the parents!