Saturday, October 11, 2008

Movin' On Up!

The hermies got a new tank set up today. They graduated to a 20high aquarium.

Start with a shiny new tank...

Fill with 100 pounds of sand (clean and raked with a magnet of course)...

Add 2 gallons of de-chlorinated water and mix well (not easy, btw)...

A fresh water dish with sponges for humidity control...

Some salt water dishes...

A few things to climb on...

Relocated hermies...

New and larger shells and a food dish...

Fresh food...

Decorative stones and special food (because my pets are spoiled!)...

Lid and a froggie to keep an eye on things....


Clane said...

Are they less "stressed" in their new home?

AM said...

Lord, let's hope so. High maintenance little critters!!